Tenacious Representation For Critical Family Law Matters

Our knowledgeable lawyers at The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC have over 15 years of experience. They take a compassionate yet aggressive approach to each family law case. They know how to defend and protect clients’ rights in various family law issues by developing and executing strategies for success.

Practice Areas

Justin D. Cook
Justin D. Cook

Guarding Your Rights With A Personalized Approach

At The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC, our family law attorneys are dedicated and committed to each client they represent. They understand the emotional stress involved in family law disputes. The personal nature of these conflicts can have a deep impact on children and relationships, forever changing the dynamics of a family. That’s why our lawyers strive to build strong attorney-client relationships that are based on trust, integrity and open communication.

When you call our office, a member of our team will return your call, and you will work directly with our attorneys, not a paralegal. Our lawyers aim to make difficult situations bearable and empower our clients with knowledge so that they can make the right decisions for their cases, families and futures.

Helping clients in San Antonio and throughout Texas with family law issues since 2006

Legal Champions: Strategic And Effective Defense

When you’re dealing with a contested or uncontested divorce, our attorneys at The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC will guide you and take a tailored approach that respects your individual needs. In uncontested divorces, they diligently work toward cooperative resolutions; in contested situations, they aggressively defend and protect our clients’ rights and interests through negotiation or litigation.

In child custody matters, our lawyers will actively advocate for your parental rights, aiming to secure a custody arrangement that will serve the best interests of your children and support your family’s unique circumstances. They will provide steadfast support and informed guidance through each step, working to try to ensure that the final custody agreement reflects a nurturing and stable environment for your children’s growth and well-being.

Also, our attorneys can provide legal assistance with military divorce, addressing concerns such as benefits, pensions and unique service-related legal stipulations. They will work tirelessly to protect your rights and interests, aiming to make sure that the divorce proceedings accommodate the distinct aspects of military life and service commitments.

In addition, our lawyers can assist clients with a variety of criminal law issues.

Your Zealous
Family Law Advocates

Justin D. Cook

Justin D. Cook

Justin D. Cook

Justin D. Cook

Safeguarding Your Future

Upholding Your Rights In Family Law Disputes