Steadfast Allies Safeguarding Your Rights And Future

You Do Not Need To Face Your Divorce Alone

At The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC, our lawyers understand that going through a divorce is one of the most challenging experiences you may face. With over 15 years of experience and a strong track record of helping clients in the San Antonio area, our attorneys are here to make this difficult process as bearable and straightforward as possible. They are caring, attentive and focused on protecting your interests and achieving a successful outcome. Whether it’s in or out of the courtroom, they will leverage their extensive litigation experience to protect your rights.

Helping You Navigate The Texas Divorce Process

In Texas, a divorce can be contested or uncontested, and understanding the difference is crucial. An uncontested divorce occurs when both parties agree on the important terms of the divorce, such as property division, child custody, and spousal and child support. This type of divorce can be quicker and less costly. Contested divorces involve disputes that need legal intervention to resolve. These cases often require more intensive legal strategies and negotiation.

Our team can assist with various aspects of divorce, including:

  • Property division
  • Child custody
  • Paternity
  • Child support
  • Spousal support

Our lawyers can also help with simple divorces, where assets, liabilities and child-related issues are minimal. However, each situation is unique, and even simple cases can benefit from professional legal oversight.

Our Team Is Ready To Support Your New Beginning

Facing a divorce is never easy, but you do not have to go through it alone. Working with an experienced attorney can make a difference in the outcome of your divorce.  You can trust our lawyers to help protect your best interests. Contact The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC today at 210-740-0281 or fill out our online contact form. Let our team help you move forward with confidence and peace of mind.