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Understanding The Cost Of Divorce In San Antonio

When filing for divorce, one of the first considerations when choosing legal representation or doing it yourself is how much it will cost. While filing for divorce is never entirely free, you have numerous options, depending on your specific circumstances. At The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC, our San Antonio divorce attorneys can help you find the right option to suit your needs.

The Type Of Divorce You Choose Will Determine The Cost

When you search for “simple divorce in San Antonio,” you will see a lot of paid pop-up ads that offer ways for you to get divorced at a low cost. Most of our clients come to our Bexar County family law attorneys after trying to get divorced by using inexpensive form services. Buying these divorce forms is entirely unnecessary because, when you file a divorce without a lawyer in San Antonio, you have to pick up and pay for a simple divorce packet that gives you all the information you need. If you do buy forms, you will still have to pay the cost of filing the divorce and wait until Bexar County has sufficient time to finalize your divorce. Both the need for the forms and the long wait can be avoided if you hire our team at The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC.

A simple divorce in Texas requires the following:

1. You or your spouse live in Bexar County, Texas, and have lived there for at least six months.

2. Both you and your spouse are willing and available to sign off on the simple divorce terms.

3. Your custody agreement does not involve more than one tier (meaning only one custody schedule is included in your case).

4. You do not require more than seven hours’ worth of correspondence, revisions or conferences.

Keep in mind that additional charges will apply to real estate title transfers or other complex asset divisions, such as allocating one retirement account to both spouses.

At The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC, our simple divorce services come with the full assistance of our divorce attorneys. Many simple divorces do not fall within the four-factor requirement list. In that case, we certainly can offer you the same divorce service, but with some add-on charges for any applicable provisions your case requires. If you hire us for this simple divorce, you will not pay taxes, additional hidden fees or filing fees. The price is simple, just like your divorce. If you have any questions about this, call us at 210-740-0281.

Prices vary broadly for complex divorces in Bexar County. Our lawyers would be glad to talk with you about your case and see what less expensive options may be suitable for you. Note that the total cost and the down payment can vary substantially. You may find it difficult to locate prices from attorneys on the internet. Our attorneys know that your time is important to you, which is why they want this process to be as fast and hassle-free as possible. If you would like your divorce filed tomorrow, give us a call.

Why Is The Range Of Prices For Divorce Lawyers So Big?

Extremely low prices are likely not from lawyers. Although the ads may look like legal ads, they probably aren’t from attorneys.

Once you start looking into prices for divorce cases where mediation, counseling or trial services from a lawyer are required, there is very little price information on the web. This is for a number of reasons, including the following:

  • Lawyers often want to know about your situation to estimate how long it will take to get you divorced. Even with an estimate of time, the lawyer still cannot know the number of hours your case will take them to process.
  • The case could last two months or two years. For this reason, you are given a retainer estimate in San Antonio, but that is not the total price. Rather, it is a down payment to cover a certain number of hours of work from the divorce lawyer.
  • Prices are a very sensitive issue when it comes to divorce, so many attorneys will simply want to go over it with you in person to answer your questions.

Ads for less expensive divorce lawyers who offer payment options such as fixed or flat fees are for cases where the divorcing spouses do not have to go to a jury or bench trial (or any other hearing) to fight over children, assets or debts. Those spouses will only need to sign two documents. They will not have to go to court, and they will not be served with divorce papers.

Why Not Get A DIY Divorce From A Service Like LegalZoom?

Forms do not get you divorced. Forms are just a part of getting divorced. If you buy online divorce forms, you will still have several steps left that you have to properly execute in order to actually get divorced. First, you will have to fill out the forms properly. Second, you will have to find the right location in downtown San Antonio at which to file the petition. You will have to execute the waiver with a notary and file that with the clerk as well. Then you will have to assess the divorce decree template and fill it out. This document will have to be filed in a different location than the original petition was filed.

The worst part about hiring a divorce form service is the waiting period. According to many of our Texas clients, in Bexar County, a person doing their own divorce will wait at least half a year before the court approves the decree and allows them to be divorced. There are thousands of divorces pending in San Antonio. That is a long line. Conversely, our attorneys can quickly buzz you into court, get you divorced and help you move on with your life.

So, when hiring a divorce form service and assessing the cost of divorce, it is important to consider the cost of not only the forms but also the gas, time and effort. The majority of our simple divorce clients come to us after trying to do their own divorces and paying for divorce templates.

How Do You Know If The Price Is Too High Or Too Low?

At The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC, we offer comparatively affordable prices for all that’s included in our flat-fee package. Our attorneys will complete your entire divorce process in an expedited manner. Your divorce will be filed after one business day of your contract execution. Your uncontested divorce will be complete 61 days later, assuming all parties involved cooperate with the signing. You will also get direct contact information from our experienced divorce lawyers.

If you think that our price might sound too good to come with quality service, remember that the service is limited to uncontested divorces only. If you have a complex estate (retirement to divide, more than one piece of real estate or business interests to allocate between spouses), our team has the tools to draft your decree properly, but the price will increase depending on the complexity of your estate.

However, for an uncontested divorce, we proudly offer a flat fee for an all-inclusive package that provides basic services tailored to the exact needs of the individual client.

Get Started On Your Divorce – Call Us Today

One great way for you and your spouse to find out whether you can have an agreed-upon divorce is to go through our provided list of settlement areas that you and your spouse will have to agree on before getting divorced.

At The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC, our team knows that you just want to be divorced. But divorce doesn’t necessarily mean that you and your spouse will have a big fight and a long road ahead. The paperwork just has to get filed, and then you will be able to move on with your life – the sooner, the better. If you want to get a fast, smooth and simple divorce, then you have come to the right San Antonio divorce law firm. Call us today at 210-740-0281 or fill out our online contact form to get in touch with our team.