Steadfast Allies Safeguarding Your Rights And Future

Post-Decree Modification Guidance

Life does not stand still after a divorce decree is issued. Circumstances change, and, sometimes, the terms of your divorce must change, too. At The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC, our lawyers understand how challenging and stressful these fluctuations can be. They are here to help you navigate the complex process of post-decree modifications with compassion and professionalism, ensuring that the new terms reflect your current reality.

With over 15 years of experience, our San Antonio attorneys have a strong track record in successfully helping clients modify their divorce settlements. They are attentive, caring and dedicated to making difficult situations more manageable for our clients. They pride themselves on providing direct client communication and crafting effective strategies to meet our clients’ objectives.

Modification Solutions Tailored To Suit Your Needs

Post-divorce decree modifications can adjust child support, child custody and spousal maintenance agreements. Texas law allows for these modifications when both parties agree to the changes or when significant shifts in circumstances occur, affecting an ex-spouse or any children involved.

Changes that may warrant modifications include:

  • Health complications
  • Remarriage of either party
  • Significant changes in employment or income
  • Substance abuse issues
  • Domestic violence or criminal convictions
  • Significant changes in child-rearing costs
  • Evolving needs based on the child’s age

Petitioning for a modification involves submitting a request to the court outlining the changed circumstances and how they affect the current decree. Our attorneys at The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC will guide you through the entire process, from drafting the initial filing to representing you in court if required. Our goal is to ensure the modified decree fairly addresses the new circumstances and protects your rights.

Modifying Spousal Maintenance Or Spousal Support Orders

For spousal maintenance modifications, the party seeking change must demonstrate a material and substantial shift in their financial circumstances. This could be due to a job loss, a substantial involuntary decrease in income, a significant injury or disability, or another impactful life event. Additionally, spousal maintenance agreements might include conditions that adjust payments over time or terminate them upon the recipient’s remarriage or cohabitation.

Call Us Today To Take The Next Step

If you believe that your divorce decree needs a modification for child custody, support or spousal maintenance, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Contact The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC at 210-740-0281 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a consultation at our San Antonio law office.