Steadfast Allies Safeguarding Your Rights And Future

Helping You Protect Your Future Financially After Your Divorce

When considering divorce, your financial future may be a large concern, and navigating through the complexities of spousal maintenance can be challenging. At The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC, our lawyers will provide compassionate guidance to help you understand and manage the process of negotiating spousal support in San Antonio. They will be committed to easing your burden during this stressful time by working to ensure that you receive or pay a fair amount of spousal maintenance, based on the specifics of your case.

For over 15 years, our lawyers have helped clients through spousal maintenance negotiations as part of their divorce proceedings. Our attorneys are not only caring and attentive advocates but also seasoned litigators who will leverage their courtroom skills to protect your interests. They will strive to achieve successful outcomes, acting as your steadfast legal advocates. At The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC, you will always meet directly with one of our experienced team members, and your questions and concerns will be answered promptly.

Understanding Your Spousal Maintenance Rights And Options In Texas

Spousal maintenance – also known as spousal maintenance in Texas and spousal support in other parts of the nation – is financial assistance that one spouse pays the other post-divorce. In Texas, spousal maintenance is awarded based on factors such as the disparity in earning capacities, the duration of the marriage, a spouse’s inability to earn sufficient income or the presence of any minor children in the home that require special care. The amount and duration of spousal maintenance depend on circumstances including the length of the marriage, each spouse’s financial resources, each spouse’s contributions to the marriage and any misconduct during the marriage.

Types of spousal maintenance in Texas include:

  • Temporary spousal maintenance : Provided during the divorce process
  • Rehabilitative spousal maintenance: Offered to help a spouse gain self-sufficiency
  • Permanent spousal maintenance: Awarded in cases of long marriages where age or disability might prevent employment
  • Contractual spousal maintenance: Included as part of the divorce settlement that both parties agree to
  • Reimbursement spousal maintenance: Granted as reimbursement to a spouse who financially supported the other through education or training

The duration of spousal maintenance payments can vary, but they typically last for the shortest reasonable time period necessary for the receiving spouse to improve their financial independence unless they are unable to do so due to specific reasons.

Whether you are seeking spousal maintenance or are required to make payments, our lawyers are here to ensure that your financial interests are accurately represented and defended. They will help you understand your rights, calculate the expected amounts of spousal maintenance and negotiate on your behalf to reach a fair settlement. Their goal will be helping you secure a stable economic future, whether you receive support or provide it.

You Can Trust Our Team With Your Post-Divorce Future

At The Cook Law Firm & Associates PLLC, our lawyers understand that the result of your divorce settlement and spousal maintenance negotiations can play a significant role in the stability of your future. When you work with them, they will always put your best interests first in finding the best solution for you and your family. To schedule a consultation at our San Antonio law office, call us at 210-740-0281 or fill out our online contact form.